PharmSwap-Defi Project

3 min readApr 1, 2021

Yield farming, Staking, exchange, Loan vaults, NFT Lottery, Launch pad, Cross-chain Staking, Cross-chain Bridge, Auto burn Functions.


Welcome to pharm swap, a decentralised cross chain crypto currency exchange launching first on Polygon Matic. Pharm token is 0.3% deflationary and is used for farming, staking, Lottery, Loan vaults, governance. PharmSwap will feature on binance smart chain shortly after the polygon launch. Pharm tokens can be generated using Pharm LP’s or other selected crypto currencies on our farms. The migration keys have been removed, This eliminates the threat of a rug pull. The master chef contract will be ownerless and the token contract will be under full control of the master chef staking contract. So minting new tokens can only be done by the master chef contract. Pharm token also has a NFT lottery with huge payouts. Loan vaults will be open on the platform, easy to access and will be offering lock up Vaults and loans with good returns. The pharm swap launch pad will be live and offering high quality token sales. This project is following the decentralised crypto currency Scrypt and plan to bring innovation to this space in a decentralised manner.


Matic Erc20 token – PHARM

Initial supply, 325,000

Deflationary token 0.3%

Farming apy 5000%

Staking apy 1200%

Yield Farming and Staking

Farming and staking- early adoption apys will be an opportunity to benifit from early stages in the platforms growth. In the short to near term future our aim is to deliver a sustainable platform with the best pools and build utility around pharm token.

Lottery and games

Pharm swap moonanza decentralised NFT lottery will have regular pay outs which is a great opportunity for everyone to qualify for huge gains. It was also designed to burn tokens to help manage supply. Moonaza lottery will be live at launch. Lottery draws will be done once a week anouncing the winners shortly after the draw. We will also introduce games that we have been working on giving the token more utility.

Auto burn functions

All fees and transactions will be burnt automatically. This will help to regulate the supply and aid the price increase.

  1. 0.3% stake removal fee burns automatically
  2. 0.3% burn on sell transaction only
  3. 4% user fee= 1.5% for buy backs , 1.5% liquidity, 1% to Development and Maintenance
  4. Anti dump feature: 25% of rewards distributed every 10 days
  5. Moonanza NFT lottery will also burn 30% of tokens supply of each draw
Auto burn functions

Launch pad

pharmswap launch pad willl allow users to benifit from our vetted uniqe project launches that will help bring the evolution of desentralisied crypto. we will be allowing projects from polygon and binance chain to use our launch pad once having met our requirements.

Loans and vaults

Access to the vaults or loans will be available in pharm and other cryptos.


Swap cryptos and add liquidity through swap interface with easy to use exchange. Upgrades to our exchange are being mapped out and planned.


Bridge tokens from the PharmSwap exchange or directly on matic bridge to connect with ethereum main net




DEFI Multi Chain Project that offers Yield Farming, Staking, Loans & Vaults, NFT Lottery games, wide range of Defi products